3 Signs That Someone Shouldn’t Be Trusted Behind The Wheel

Driving is a priviledge that requires a lot of responsibliity. Not only are you responsible for the safety of yourself when you get behind the wheel, but you also need to ensure that you’re able to keep any passengers or other drivers safe as well. Because of this, only people who have proven that they are responsible should get behind the wheel.

If you’re wondering whether or not someone you know should be driving, here are three signs that someone shouldn’t be trusted to be behind the wheel. 

They Are Using Unsafe Substances

Part of ensuring that you’re safe to be behind the wheel includes keeping your mind clear so that you can think quickly and make smart decisions. But if someone is using unsafe substances, you can’t guarantee that they won’t impact their ability to drive.

As a result of this, if you know that someone is using unsafe substances, like if they are taking medications that can make them a danger to be behind the wheel, as happens to many elderly people in the lead up to needing to move into an assisted living facility, you should encourage them not to drive. Additionally, if you know that someone has been drinking or using other drugs, you should do all you can to keep them from driving under the influence

They Have A Hard Time Staying Focused And Alert

When you’re driving, there are a lot of different things that you need to be paying attention to. Along with this, there are constant changes in the road around you that require you to make quick decisions in order to stay safe. 

To be able to make these things like decisions, you have to be able to stay alert and focused on the road ahead of you. So if you’ve noticed that someone you know has a hard time focusing on one thing for an extended period of time, as can sometimes happen with teens or new drivers, you might want to encourage them to wait a while before getting their driver’s license. 

They Are Afraid To Be On The Road

While driving and being on the road can be scary in some situations, if you know of someone who’s very afraid of driving, it’s best not to force them into a driving situation. Even if they are old enough and don’t have any other reasons why they shouldn’t be driving, if they aren’t comfortable behind the wheel, this fact alone could make them a danger on the road. So if you are aware of something like this, give them the benefit of the doubt that they really shouldn’t be driving. 

If you’re unsure whether someone you know and love should be driving, consider using the information mentioned above to help you look for some safety red flags.